Mar 30, 2012

My FIRST Homemade Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

today was a nice day ^o^ ok actually it's not such that nice but I quite enjoyed this day~
before I talk about my homemade cake, I want to tell that today was the end of my school exams !! BUT it's not freedom already because we still have national exams start from 23 April I think :/
ok just forget about the exam first, because now I just want to talk about my first homemade ice cream cone cupcake~

I made these cakes not because I've done my school exams. I made it because I want to ;) actually I want to make it LAST WEEK on my mom's birthday, but the day before it I couldn't find baking powder so I couldn't make it as my mom's birthday present :'(

so, I never make any cakes before and I was so scared that my cake would be a disaster ! if you want to know how's the result of my cake, just continue reading, but maybe I'll write a lot of unimportant things because I'm too exciting to write about this (OMG I'm so ... *what is 'norak' in English ?* today!) so this post will be a bit long ;p

honestly, it's not 100% pure my handmade, because my mom helped me by gave me some directions, especially at baking process and 'repairing' the cakes. maybe if I made the cakes all myself, they won't look like cakes. lol

I didn't take some photos when the cakes still in batter form. so I'll start from when the cake was baked~

I kept looking at the oven all the time because I worried that the cakes will explode or something like that xD *stupid me*

at the first, I saw the cakes expanded nicely (I didn't take the photo)

but then...

JJANG ! TARA TARARAA~ A DISASTER !! the shape is very TERRIBLE and the top is a bit (honestly it's not a bit but quite) BURNT !! and some of the batter flew out and it's very messy. I was very shocked by this :o I don't know what's wrong. maybe I put to much batter into the cone ? or.. I don't know :/ what's in my mind when I saw this was "hope the taste will be good"...

btw I just made 9 cakes. actually I wanted to make 8 but the batter was to much

then, my mom cut the burnt part, and I made the icing to cover this scary scene

and this was the final result :D

woohooo~ it's better seen, wasn't it ??
do you realize that one of the cakes already disappeared ? me and my mom ate it as a tester :d

then, I gave it to two of my aunties that live near my house each of them one. their reaction was same when I gave the cake !
I said, "Auntie, do you want to try my own homemade cake ?"
their reaction, "you made cake ?? *looking at the cake* this is a cake or an ice cream ?"
lol xD no wonder, because I used ice cream cone so it's look like ice cream xD

do want to know THE TASTE ?
I will tell it honestly, this is my mom and dad's opinion, the cake's taste is quite good for beginner and it's soft enough (although actually there's burnt part at the beginning :p), but the icing's taste is very HORRIBLE. it's too sweet and rough ! I super agree with them. ok, the icing's role is just as cover for the cake's bad appearance xD

fortunately the cake's taste is quite good, at least it's able to eat by human ;;)

if anyone want to try this cake recipe, here it is. I get the recipe from internet
I won't give the icing recipe because I don't recommend it :x

I found that making cake is quite fun :D I'll make another cake next time and hope it'll turn better than this~

side view of the cake

yumm yummm :d

only 4 cakes left now. 1 as the tester, 2 for my aunties, 1 was eaten by my dad and 1 (in that photo) by me xD don't look at that dirty part of the cake in that photo above ! that's one of the scary scenes :x

update : today (31 March), my aunties told my mom that my cake is yummy ! (except the icing xD). my mom also gave 1 cake to my cousin this morning and she said it's quite yummy, too. I'm so happy ~~ I definitely will make another cake next time ♥

Mar 24, 2012

my high hair bun !

remember my post about high hair bun ? (this) I said there that I can make high hair bun after 6-12 months, right ?
but...... I already made it :D

the pic isn't clear because I crop it

what do you think ? I know what's in your mind, my bun is TOO SMALL. even my mom said that it looks like samurai (she wanted to say the hairstyle of men on china historical drama, but she said samurai xD)

*it's from Korean historical drama. I can't find one from China historical drama with this hairstyle, but I think their hairstyle are alike, but from China without that hat

it must be like this

I feel like that too. my hair is still short so the bun become small :'(
I still have to wait until 6-12 months to make the high hair bun nicely :o

update : before I took my evening bath, I rearranged my bun :p

It's much better, wasn't it ? :D
but actually the back side was very very messy. super messy ! lol

Mar 22, 2012


haihai :) hampir 2 mgg ya gw ga ngepost. entah knp gw mrasa akhir" ini kehidupan agak berat *lebay*
walaupun masalah"nya kecil, tp kalo ditumpuk" smua kan lama" berat jg kan ? yaa mslhny masi seputar sekolah dan rumah lah, emng mau apa lg ga mungkin dong ttg kerjaan kan gw masi seorang siswi SMP biasa *iylah

berawal dr kematian hamster gw, sbnernya uda ga sedih sih wkwk tp ya kdng" masi kangen aja dikit

laluuu.. akhir" ini ad yg aneh di rmh gw, entah knp tb" byk brg yg rusak. sbnernya bukan tiba" sih, brg"ny emng uda cukup berumur, jd mungkin emng uda waktunya (?) tp plis deh rusaknya jgn janjian jg kali, kan kluarin biayany jd byk. walaupun bkn gw yg kluarin duitnya tp scr ga lngsung bs berdampak jg sm gw *ini sbnernya lg marah" ke siapa ya ?

daannn ujian skola alias UAS ud di dpn idung, alias mulai hari SENIN, 26 MARET 2012. aaaa aaaa sbnernya gw blm terlalu siap, yaa ad pljrn yg ud lmyn siap tp ad jg yg blm terutama IPS krn gw plg g bs yg nmnya apalan :| akhir mgg ini gw ud msti nyicil ips smpe gila"an nih

Mar 10, 2012

goodbye Nofsky :'(

R.I.P Nofsky, my hamster, 10 March 2012 
*ga tau pasti matinya antara kemaren ato hari ini

siang td gw liat Nofsky uda ga bergerak. gw pkir lg tidur, tp kok agak kaku, jd gw cb toel sm goyang"in kandangnya tp dia tetap ga gerak alias uda mati :'( ini smua salah gw !! gw lupa kasi dia minum :''''''''''''( entah ud brp hari botol minum dia uda kosong, dan akhirnya dia uda ga kuat lg dan mati... (kalo ada pecinta hamster yg tau hal ini bs" gw dimaki")
walaupun Nofsky bukan hamster kesukaan gw, tp gw ttep sayang sm dia dan gw ga bermaksud buat bikin dia mati :'( yah, mau blg apa lg, ditangisin uda percuma, salahin diri sendiri jg uda percuma, toh dia uda mati.. jadiin pelajaran aja, jgn sampe lupa kasi minum hamster lg. pkoknya mulai skrng gw harus rawat Chumchum lbh rajin lagi biar kgk kejadian kyk gini lg.. dan pelajaran brikutnya, mending lain kali klo gw mau plihara hamster lg, plihara 1 ekor aja deh, soalnya klo ada 2 ya jd gni, gw cm perhatiin 1 ekor :|
kalo Nofsky bs ngomong, pst dia benci bgt sm gw soalnya gw ga bisa ngurus dia smpe akhirnya dia mati kehausan :'(

tdny gw mau foto dia yg uda terbaring kaku, tp gw ga tega ah. ambil buat dibuang aja kgk tega :'( *kgk gw kubur soalnya di rmh gw ga ada taman..*

~In memoriam, Nofsky, 19 February 2011 - 10 March 2012~

pas baru 3 hari beli. masi kecil bangett

dulu sbnernya Nofsky kliatan lbh gendut dr Chumchum. tp makin lama jd kurus 
(bukan gra" ga dikasi makan, tp emng bntuknya lbh kurus)


Nofsky klo lg membulat kyk bola salju gra" bulunya putih smua :)

Nofsky (kiri) lg makan tauge

bobo bareng. miss that moment of them :') *Nofsky yg di bag dalem*

Ninja Nofsky! klo kandang baru dicuci dia bkal manjat" kyk ninja

Ninja Nofsky~ bkal kangen bgt sm kebiasaan Nofsky yg satu ini :')
uda lama ga liat smenjak Nofsky & Chumchum ga 1 kandang

maen roda"an ~

fto" ini pas Nofsky sm Chumchum masi blm brantem, jd masih 1 kandang. kangen bgt liat mrk 1 kandang lg :') smenjak mrk uda ga 1 kandang, Nofsky uda jarang gw foto. jahat ya gw. foto yg Nofsky maen roda"an itu aj diambil bulan 4 thn 2011 :|

smoga kalo laen kali gw plihara hamster lg ato binatang apa pun, gw bs rawat dgn lbh baik lagi biar ga mati dlm keadaan kyk gni :'(

Mar 6, 2012

pretty girl ! or BOY ?


and... what do you think ? is he/she a boy or a girl ?? don't think anymore because HE is a BOY. just look at his body, I don't need to explain it right ? lol
the first time I saw this pic, I thoght he is a girl, but I'm absolutely wrong because he is a boy. His name is Ren, one of the member of new boyband, NU'EST (New East). yea I think his boyband haven't be on tv yet because it said they'll debut on March 15.
my suggestion, don't cut that kind of hairstyle (I mean those bangs) because they make him looks more like girl o_O his bangs are like mine, even better ! :'| *envy*

btw, don't you think he looks like Jang Geun Suk ?? (in that pic)

Jang Geun Suk
but I never think that Jang Geun Suk looks like girl.. sometimes his appearance & clothing was but not his face :O

back to Ren. this is one of his pic I found, with (I think) better hairstyle (I mean looks more like boy)

but he looks very young in this pic, around elementary school-middle high school, whereas he's 2 years old older than me. maybe this is old pic of him :E

if you what to know a little more about him, click here :)

and, this is NU'EST :d

Minhyun - Ren - JR - Baekho - Aron

hope they will add another nice k-pop to my musics list :d I'll wait for their debut on MBC Music Core and SBS Inkigayo ;;)

Mar 5, 2012

Mar 3, 2012

with & without bangs ~

IU (Korean singer) with and without bangs

with bangs : cute & innocent
without bangs : fresh & bright 
 based on these pics, I prefer her without bangs :)

Suzy's Miss A with and without bangs

with bangs : calm & elegant
without bangs : charming & sweet
 based on these pics, I prefer her with bangs ;)

actually, both of them look awesome with or without bangs >_<

then... how about me ??? ;DD

which one better huh ? lololol~ no comment for my own pics :p but I'm using bangs now
my friend suggested me to use bangs, but my mom said my face looks fresher without bangs.. hmm o_O
btw, my bangs are curly so it's hard to arrange it -_-

okay, don't compare my face with them ! they're singer. so they must be more beautiful :O

I envy them, they always look great no matter what are their hairstyle (of course because they're singer), but me, often get bad hair + BANGS day. lalalala~

Mar 1, 2012


I'm searching bedroom picture now for my Art practice exam tomorrow (I must draw interior perspective). love all the bedrooms !! It's very cute and I want kind of bedroom like those :> but it must not in pinky because my fav colour isn't pink *so why my blog is full of pink ??*
don't compare with my real bedroom, it's very very different and I won't upload the pic of it. hehe

I don't expect for a large bedroom like queen's bedroom. I prefer simple and minimalist bedroom :>
like those pictures above, and these !

that's my fav colour, purple :D but pink isn't bad either ;)

hope someday I can paint my bedroom with my fav colour and put all my lovely stuffs in it~

oops, I must continue to prepare for my Art practice exam immediately. so, bye :D

update : btw, finally I choose the second pink bedroom picture as my reference ;) hope I can draw it well !